Dr. Andrew Akampurira

Gründer von St. Andrews school project for the young


The school has a mission of helping and facilitating children whose parents may not manage the school fees in public (first-class) schools to acquire quality education that can help them have a good foundation for future studies. The school will also act as a model school in the area since most schools around are at a very low standard. The school aims at providing scholarships to needy and orphans to see them live a descent life (with the help of donors).

Aufgaben im Verein

Andrew hat das projekt ins Leben gerufenund den Standort in seiner Heimatstadt Ibanda ausgesucht. Er ist unser wichtigster Ansprechpartner für die Projekt- und Budgetplanung und stellt den Kontakt zu Architekte, Bauunternehmern und den Behörden vor Ort her.



St. Andrews school project for the young
P.O.Box 356, Ibanda, Uganda

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